What Parents and Staff Say...

"A life saver"
"Magnificent, excellent"
"I would be lost without you, would not be able to do anything without you! My whole life turned around because of your service. The one good thing to happen to me and my children in a long time!"
"Amazing, friendly and welcoming"
"Great support and great help over the years. It's great to know J is safe and loved by everyone"
"Working in Carr's is exciting, challenging and fulfilling"
"Hawthorn gave me so much experience and taught me so much"


Carr’s Child and Family Services CLG
5 Northbrook Road
Dublin 6
D06 HP28


Registered address: 5 Northbrook Road, Ranelagh, Dublin 6, D06 HP28. Charity Number: 20001179.

Company number: 592414. Company Limited by Guarantee.

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